20/07/2023 in School


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Schools play a critical role in promoting menstrual health and hygiene among girls.

Improving menstrual health and hygiene can help girls stay in school, reduce the risk of infections and other health complications, and empower girls to take control of their reproductive health. Hence St. Kabir School Drive In A took the initiative to spread awareness on hygiene to be maintained during menstrual cycle.

An awareness session was conducted for the students of std. VI to IX  in which all associated topics related to menstruation were explained to adolescent school girls, like what is menstruation, calculation of the period, physical problems faced by girls during their periods and ways to deal with it, maintaining personal hygiene during this period and importance of maintaining hygiene, etc.

Traditional myths and misconceptions related to menstruation were discussed. Videos related to menstrual cycle and hygiene  were shown and children asked questions at the end of the session. After the session was over, girls were very happy to get new information about menstruation and understood the importance of keeping hygiene during the periods.

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