AFFILIATION No. 430125 School Code No. 10112
Near Goyal Intercity, Drive In Road, Ahmedabad

Fields Marked with * are mandatory


Parent's Details

Siblings' Details (If any)

Previous School Details

Details of Std. X Board Examination Result:


I promise if admitted to abide by the rules and regulation of the school in force and those that may hereafter be framed. Name will be liable to struck off the roll, if the information submitted here above is found wrong.

  1. The admission is granted as per the rules of C.B.S.E. Board.
  2. The name of student migrating from a state outside Gujarat will not be entered on the rolls of the school, even after the admission is granted until their T.C. Duly countersigned by the Education Authority of the Board of that state where the school is situated, is submitted.
  3. Students are required to wear uniform/dress while attending school.
  4. 80% attendance is compulsory.
  5. Students are not allowed to bring auto vehicle without proper driving license.
  6. Mobiles are strictly prohibited in school.
  7. The students are required to observe utmost discipline.
  8. Under no circumstances fee once paid shall be refunded.
Science Commerce
Option 1 Option 2  
English English English
Physics Physics Accounts
Chemistry Chemistry Business Studies
Biology Maths Economics
Hindi/Gujarati Entreprenuership/Computer Science/P.E./Psychology Computer Science/Hindi/Gujarati Entreprenuership/P.E./Psychology Computer Science/Hindi/Gujarati Entreprenuership/Applied Maths/P.E./Psychology
Please Note that these are the only option being offered in the current academic year

This is just a registration form, final admission will be purely on the basis of MERIT.